

CadaverCore 2?

I’m currently brainstorming for a spiritual successor to CadaverCore. I know 2 things:

The Cryptid.png

Probably not wise to have the title and cover before the actual music, but hey, it works sometimes. That’s how I made ROT. I don’t have anything to show for The Cryptid just yet.

Brainstorm: Cyberpunk Gemshard

Cyberpunk Gemshard.mp3


First and foremost, I’m working on a video for CadaverCore. Hope to get it done soon.


After I finish the CadaverCore video, I need to start the editing for a longer project. I got together with some friends and we fan dubbed Metropolis which entered the public domain this year. This one’s gonna take a good while as I need to rescore the entire movie, including sound effects.

(unrelated video)


Very slow progress is being made on a gaming video for Cascade. I had a lot of fun editing it so far, but I took a break from it for a while. Hope to get back to this at some point.
